14327 Highland Ave.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 349-0903

“Share and Defend the Catholic Faith” – Everyone is welcome!

Apologetics… What is that?

Can you explain what you know about the Catholic faith to someone else. This is apologetics – you have the faith. Jesus told us to go and spread it to other people. When someone mentions the word apologist, the image that probably comes to mind is someone speaking at a parish seminar, autographing books at a large conference, or answering questions on the radio.

NEXT APOLOGETICS GATHERING ON MONDAY, APRIL 7 – St. Michael Apologetics Group presents “Where We Got The Bible” – Part 2 – The New Testament – Where did the New Testament writings come from? – Who wrote the Gospels and are they reliable? – What about the “lost Gospels?” Are they authentic, too? – All Are Welcome!

We usually meet once a month every 2nd Monday of the Month at 7 PM in the St. Michael Parish Ministry Rooms / Commons – Everyone is welcome! – Bring a friend, members of other faiths are welcome! – Learning More About Your Faith Deepens It! – Please come and join us!

To be an apologist, though, all you really need is a desire to share your Faith and clear up misconceptions about it. But to do that you first have to know your Faith and clear up any misconceptions you yourself have about it. It takes reading and study. But, no matter how intensively you study, at some point you’ll be faced with a question you can’t answer. Don’t try to fake it! Admit you don’t know the answer, then tell your questioner that you’ll look up the answer and will get back to him or her. Nothing will impress your questioner more than your going out of your way for him or her – and your admitting that you don’t know everything. Are you willing to take one night a month out of your busy life to learn a little more about the Catholic faith so you can pass it on. St. Michael’s Apologetics society can help. We meet once a month. There is a video presentation on a topic and guided discussion. Our upcoming schedule is as follows.


See our website www.stmichaelapologetics.org or contact us at info@stmichaelapologetics.org.