Baptism is one of the three sacraments of Christian Initiation (along with Confirmation and the Eucharist) through which Catholics are incorporated as full members of the Church.

- is the foundation for the Christian life;
- confers sanctifying grace, that is, God’s life;
- gives the baptized a new birth in which he or she becomes a child of God;
- cleanses people from original sin and any personal sin (older children & adults);
- incorporates members into the life, practices and mission of the Church;
- imprints on their souls an indelible character that prepares them for worship, and is necessary for the salvation of those who have heard the gospel.
Infant Baptism for Children up to Age 7
- Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays at 2:30 PM in Spanish and at 3:00 PM in English, per availability. All baptisms are done in strict compliance with safety protocol. Please contact Carol McCasland in the worship office at 708-349-0903 ext 610 or to arrange a baptism. If you speak only Spanish, call Paty Renteria at 708-349-0903 ext 619 or
- The Church teaches that parents are the primary educators of their child in the faith. In keeping with this belief, the Bishops of the United States ask that parents presenting an infant for Baptism must participate in a Baptismal Preparation session.
Baptismal Preparation Session for Parents of Children up to Age 7
- Preparation focuses on the spiritual and practical aspects of Baptism. The months of pregnancy, or waiting for an adoption to finalize, are perfect for preparing yourselves to become the faith-filled parents that your new child will need. No need to wait until baby is born!
- Topics covered:
- The Important role of Catholic parents and godparents in passing on the faith.
- Reflection on the life of the family and expectations of the Church.
- History of the Sacrament of Baptism.
- Meaning of the Sacrament.
- Explanation of the Rite of Baptism and the symbols that are used.
To register for the Baptismal Preparation session, and to make arrangements for the Baptism date for a baby or child under 7 years old, please call Carol McCasland in the Worship Office at 708-349-0903 ext 610 or
Baptism for Children Ages 7 through Age 12
Baptisms for children age 7 through age 12 are celebrated following the completion of a preparation process similar to the adult preparation. Parents participate in the preparation sessions along with their child.
To initiate the process for the Baptism of a child age 7 through 12, and for more information, contact Carol McCasland in the Worship Office at 708-349-0903 ext 610 or
Baptism for Teens Ages 13-18
Baptisms for teens are celebrated at the yearly Easter Vigil liturgy the evening before Easter Sunday. They receive their First Eucharist and Confirmation at that same liturgy. Preparation takes place through the OCIA process (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults).
To make arrangements for the Baptism of a teen and for more information on the OCIA process, contact the Parish Office at 708-349-0903.
Baptism for Adults – College Age and Older
Baptisms for adults are celebrated at the yearly Easter Vigil liturgy the evening before Easter Sunday. These adults receive their First Eucharist and Confirmation at that same liturgy. Preparation takes place through the OCIA process (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults).
To make arrangements for the Baptism of an adult and for more information on the OCIA process, contact Donna McDonough at 708-403-2122 or
If You Were Baptized in Another Christian Faith and Wish to Join the Catholic Church
If an adult or child has been baptized in another Christian faith, many times that Baptism is recognized as valid by the Catholic Church. If the Christian baptism is recognized, the adult or child enters the Catholic Church by making a Profession of Faith. Following a suitable period of catechesis, an appropriate time is discerned for the individual to come before the community and profess belief in what our Church believes, teaches and holds as true. Depending on the age and circumstances, First Eucharist and Confirmation may also be administered at the same time.
If the Christian baptism is not recognized by the Catholic Church, the adult or child would go through the process for Baptism specific to their age group.
Contact Carol McCasland in the Worship Office at 708-349-0903 ext 610 or will direct you to the correct process.