14327 Highland Ave.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 349-0903

Bethlehem Nativity Products Will Visit St. Michael

March 29 and 30 at all Masses

Bethlehem Nativity Products will be visiting our parish on behalf of St. Catherine Catholic Parish in Bethlehem and the Christian families there. For centuries, the Christians and Catholics in Bethlehem have earned a living by carving olive wood religious art to sell to visiting pilgrims. No tourists or pilgrimage groups are visiting the Holy Land now because of the war so it’s difficult for Catholic artisans to support their families.

During our visit to your parish, we invite you to visit our table in the Narthex with beautiful olive wood religious items. Please consider purchasing a piece of art from the Holy Land, as your purchase will make a difference in the lives of many Catholic families who choose to stay and protect the holy sites where Jesus himself lived.

We accept cash, personal checks, all credit cards and monthly installment payments. Thanks for your generosity.