14327 Highland Ave.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 349-0903

Please Beware of Scams – BE ALERT!

The scammers are at it again. I ask all of you to be careful so that you do not fall victim to a fraud. The current scam is similar to the previous ones. Several people have received emails from someone pretending to be me or another religious leader. The scammers are not discriminating based upon religious beliefs. Here is a brief summary of the swindle:

  • An email is sent asking you to do me a favor. The scammer is clever will use an email address that could give the illusion it is coming from me and perhaps even use my picture. Note: The only legitimate email from anyone at St. Michael is from an address that ends with @saintmike.com or @saintmike.org. If they are not with these addresses, they are fraudulent!
  • If you reply to the email you will receive another one telling you that I am extremely busy and I need to help out a family in need or a sick child. The email will ask you to purchase gift cards and so that you do not need to be troubled – just send a picture of the gift card with the code and PIN visible. Once you send that information – the money is gone and there is no way to get it back. They typically ask for large amounts such as $300 in Google or I-tunes gift cards.

I have heard that the scammers are getting a little bolder. Parishioners are also getting text messages. Again, beware, as I do not give out my cell number so if you get one of these requests you can be sure it is not from me.

It is sad that people are willing to prey on the good nature of others. They take advantage of the trusted relationship between a pastor, rabbi or imam and their congregations. Often times the seniors are targeted. I just ask all be careful.

Fr. Frank A. Kurucz
Pastor of St. Michael Parish