To Our Photo / Video Gallery 2023
MARCH 2023 (PICTURES) – The students in St. Michael’s Religious Education programs have had a busy March, especially as they learned about practicing prayer, fasting and almsgiving this Lent. They grew closer to Jesus through activities that focused on the parables about the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) and the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32); they prayed together as a community; and they gave alms by donating items to our St. Vincent DePaul Society food pantry and putting together and delivering full bags of groceries for hungry families served the Pro Labore Dei’s Feed My Sheep Mission.
- The 6th Graders with the props they made to enact the parables about the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son for the other RE classes.
- Our 2nd and 3rd Graders wear the hearts they made earlier this year to help them keep their hearts close to and like the heart of Jesus in all that they do.
- 1st Graders and their Catechist begin class in prayer.
- The Good Samaritan helps the person attached by the robbers.
- The 3rd Grade Students read about and colored pages depicting the parable of The Prodigal Son.
- All the students and their catechists came together to pray the Rosary as one community in Jesus Christ.