14327 Highland Ave.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 349-0903

St. Michael Parish Hospitality Weekend

Saturday, March 22 and Sunday, March 23

Join Us following all Masses, for St. Michael Parish Hospitality on Saturday, March 22 and Sunday, March 23 in the MPR (Big Gym) – Enjoy parishioner made / provided goodies as we gather together, after all Masses, for conversation and fellowship.

Special Thanks go out to Orland Park Bakery for its generous donations of baked goods and sandwiches to our February Hospitality Hours.

We’d greatly appreciate your donations of baked goods, as well as other items such as cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, mini sandwiches and fruit. If you can contribute items for our Hospitality Weekend, please contact one of the Hospitality Committee Co-Chairs: Ellie Olson: ero1958@yahoo.com or 708-699-7224; and Sara O’Brien: sarajob1003@gmail.com or 585-414-5005. Thank you!

If you wish to bring food to share, drop it off on Saturday or Sunday, labeled with your name and phone number. Also note common allergens that may be present – nuts, peanuts, gluten, etc. Thank you for your help!

Throughout the scriptures, Jesus gathered with friends and strangers to share food, conversation and fun. What about sharing that roasted fish on the beach after a long day? Or the miraculous wedding reception at Cana?

St. Michael’s Hospitality Ministry team, in conjunction with other parish groups and ministries, plans and hosts the social gatherings at our Hospitality Hours. The group also decorates and ensures that the reception space will festively host a crowd!

Parish Bakers are called upon, as needed, to provide delicious homemade goodies for our Hospitality Ministry gatherings. Sometimes Orland Park Bakery generously provides the goodies. Members of the hosting Ministry chosen for each month graciously set up, serve and clean up at the receptions.

For more information, to add your name to the list of bakers, or to help serve when you can, contact Ellie Olson, ero1958@yahoo.com, Sarah O’Brien, sarajob1003@gmail.com, or Laura Macias, macias.l@comcast.net.