We are a community of Catholic people who believe in God’s love for us, manifested through His Son, Jesus.
St. Michael Catholic Church Mission Statement – The Faith Community of St. Michael Parish is called by the Father, gifted by the Son, and moved by the Holy Spirit to unite in witnessing to the Gospel message. We celebrate, proclaim, share in friendship, and serve as a parish committed to ministering to the needs of all God’s people.
St. Michael Parish is a gathering of Catholic people who believe in God’s love for us, manifested by His Son Jesus. We commit ourselves to live an invitation of the Lord and struggle through fulfilling His mission here on earth.
We are very proud of our parish, which was established in 1867. We are proud of it, not only because of its long history, but because even today, we have many people who exemplify in their life the ideas of Jesus, and who encourage all of us to live as His followers. We welcome you to join us in Worship, and to join us too in our efforts to serve God and one another in the world in which we live.
So make a point to navigate around our site or drop us a line. Better yet, visit during one of our many Masses and experience the wonders and joy of life at its best.
Whether you are new to the faith, a returning catholic or just new to the area, St. Michael Parish is always welcoming new parishioners.
Commissions and Ministries at St. Michael Parish

A Commission is the body of representatives of parish Ministries and other groups which have similar interests, ministry or purpose. All are part of one of the 6 Parish Commissions: Worship, Parish Life, Service, Education / Formation, Hispanic and Youth.
The Commissions organizationally unify the parish. The ministries and groups in each commission work to meet the broad parish goals, identify resources and share information.
If you are a registered parishioner and would like to join a ministry, you have come to the right place.
For a downloadable brochure listing all ministries, open / print the following PDF document:
St. Michael Parish Ministry Brochure 2018 (PDF)
Worship / Prayer
St. Michael Worship Commission as of October 2021 – Cheryl Barko, Rosanne Cesaro, Pat Chuchla, Pam Domico, Carol Gianoli, Mary Beth Mallet, Susan O’Connell, Yolanda Ochoa, Gary Patin and Gina Torbett. Ex-officio Members: Fr. Frank Kurucz, Fr. Geofrey Andama.
We believe in quality worship that nourishes, sustains and celebrates our life in Christ. Worship ministries serve the flow of the liturgy and sacramental celebrations, train ministers to understand their role, and provide formation for baptism and marriage.
For information or to join / take part in any of these ministries, please contact Pat Chuchla, Pastoral Associate, at 708-873-4652 / pchuchla@saintmike.com or Gary Patin, Music Director, at 708-349-0903 ext 627 / gpatin@saintmike.com.
- Altar servers
- Art & Environment
- Cantors
- Choirs – Adult, Cherub, Children’s, Contemporary, Praise Choir, Resurrection Choir & Teen Choir
- Eucharistic Adorers
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Holy Hours
- Lectors – Adult & Child
- Liturgical Dancers
- Musicians, Praise Band & Handbells
- Novenas
- Prayer Groups
- Rosary Groups
- Sacristans
- Ushers
- Young Peoples’ Liturgy of the Word
- Baptism Facilitators
- Marriage Facilitators
Outreach / Service

We believe that we must live out our faith as witnesses of Jesus’ love for all people. These ministries provide opportunities to serve the homebound, sick, dying and those who grieve. They lift up the poor, advance respect for human life at all stages and gather together to advocate for and support others.
For information or to join / take part in any of these ministries please contact Cee Cee Van Hecke at 708-349-0903 ext 634 / cvanhecke@saintmike.com.
- Bereavement
- Food Drives
- Gift Giving – Advent & Lent
- Grief Support
- Hooks & Needles – Prayer Shawls
- HOPE (Jobs ministry)
- House Blessings
- Immigration Committee
- Knowledge & Prayer Series – Life Issues
- Martha Ministry
- Ministers of Care to the Sick
- Pastoral Migratoria – Path to Citizenship
- Pro-Life
- Soup Kitchen
- St. Vincent de Paul Society
- SWIFT (Southwest Interfaith Team)
Education / Formation

We believe in life-long faith formation that assists Catholics from childhood through adulthood to experience Christ, learn about him, and follow his way. These ministries engage us at various stages of life, filling our spiritual hunger and forming us for discipleship.
For information or to join / take part in any of these ministries please contact Paul Smith, Principal, for St. Michael Parish School at 708-349-0068 / psmith@saintmike.org, Kelly Martinez, Coordinator of Religious Education, for St. Michael Religious Education Programs at 708-349-0903 ext 633 / kmartinez@saintmike.com, or the person listed in the ministry description as contact for the other education / formation ministries.
- St. Michael School
- St. Michael Religious Education
- Families Sharing Faith
- St. Michael Hispanic Religious Education
- Children, Teen & Adult Sacramental Preparation
- Apologetics
- Bible Study Groups
- Evangelization & Scripture Group
- Knowledge & Prayer Series
- RCIA – Joining the Catholic Church
- SWIFT Forums
- Various Faith Sharing Groups – Seasonal and Ongoing
- Men’s Retreat
- Women’s Retreat
- Prayer Groups
- English as a Second Language

We believe that young people have much to give as they keep our church alive and growing. Youth ministries afford ways for pre-schoolers through college age to grow in faith, friendship and service and to celebrate their love for Christ, His Church, the world and each other.
For information or to join / take part in any of these ministries please contact Rose Koch, Youth Minister, at 708-349-0903 ext 650 / rkoch@saintmike.com. For Hispanic Youth Ministry, contact Paty Renteria, Hispanic Ministry Assistant, at 708-349-0903 ext 619 / prenteria@saintmike.com.
- QUEST Council
- QUEST Teen Groups
- St. Michael Awards
- National Catholic Youth Conference – NCYC
- Appalachia Mission Trip
- Youth on Stage
- High School Pilgrimages, Events & Activities
- Coed Sports
- College Outreach
- High School Retreats
- Jr. High Retreats
- Jr. High Field Trips
- Soup Kitchen
- World Youth Day
- Vacation Bible School
- Hispanic Youth Ministry
- Young Adult Ministry
- Girl Scouts
- Cub & Boy Scouts
Parish Life

We believe that we are called to share our time, talent and treasure in our parish, our community and our world. We gather as disciples to vision and plan for the life of the parish. We gather socially to pray, serve, share Christian friendship and have fun together.
For information or to join / take part in any of these ministries, please contact the Parish receptionist at 708-349-0903 who will direct your call. Cee Cee VanHecke, All day Mondays and Mornings, Tuesday-Thursday, and Mary Beth Mallet, Afternoons Tuesday-Thursday and All-day Friday.
- Pastoral Council
- Finance Council
- Hospitality / Bakers
- Men’s Club
- St. Michael Parish Moms’ Group
- Women’s Club
- Knights of Columbus
- Theology on Tap
- Young Adult Ministry
HISPANIC (Ministerio Hispano)

We believe that our Church benefits greatly from the diversity of her people. These ministries involve our Hispanic community in worship, formation, service, and parish life in their native language and allow them to celebrate their culture, as all nationalities have done in the Catholic Church in America.
St. Michael parish is proud to serve the Hispanic Community of Vicariate V-E, taking in the southwest suburbs of Chicago. Mass is celebrated in Spanish on Sundays at 1:30 PM in the Church. Confessions are heard in Spanish when a Spanish-speaking priest is available (CLICK HERE to see dates). Baptisms, weddings, and quinceañeras are also celebrated in Spanish.
For information or to join / take part in any of these ministries please contact Paty Renteria, Hispanic Ministry Assistant, at 708-349-0903 ext 619 / prenteria@saintmike.com.
- Bible Study
- Day of the Dead
- Good Friday Stations
- Leadership
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena & Liturgies
- Posada
- St. Michael Novena
- Hispanic Choir & Worship Ministries
- Hispanic Religious Education & Sacramental Preparation
- Hispanic Retreats
- Hispanic Youth Group
- Quinceañeras & Weddings
Creemos que nuestra Iglesia se beneficia enormemente de la diversidad de su gente. Estos ministerios involucran a nuestra comunidad Hispana en el culto, la formación, el servicio y la vida parroquial en su lengua materna y les permiten celebrar su cultura, como todas las nacionalidades lo han hecho en la Iglesia Católica en América.
La parroquia de St. Michael está orgullosa de servir a la Comunidad Hispana del Vicariato V-E, cubriendo los suburbios del suroeste de Chicago. Se celebra la Misa en Español los Domingos a la 1:30 PM en la Iglesia. Confesiones en Español son escuchadas cuando un padre hispanohablante se encuentra disponible (HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para saber los días). Bautismos, matrimonios, y quinceañeras se celebran en Español también.
Para obtener información o para unirse a cualquiera de estos ministerios, contáctese con Paty Renteria, Asistente del Ministerio Hispano, al 708-349-0903 ext 619 / prenteria@saintmike.com.
- Estudio Bíblico
- Dia de los Muertos
- Estaciones de la Cruz del Viernes Santo
- Liderazgo
- Novena y Liturgias de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
- Posada
- Novena de San Miguel
- Ministerios de Coro y Adoración Hispana
- Educación Religiosa Hispana y Preparación Sacramental
- Retiros Hispanos
- Grupo de Jóvenes Hispanos
- Quinceañeras y Bodas