“By reason of their state in life, Christian spouses have their own special gifts in the People of God. This grace proper to the sacrament of Matrimony is intended to perfect the couple’s love and to strengthen their indissoluble unity. By this grace they help one another to attain holiness in their married life and in welcoming and educating their children. Christ is the source of this grace. Christ dwells with them, gives them the strength to… submit to one another out of reverence for Christ and to love one another with supernatural, tender, and fruitful love. In the joys of their love and family life he gives them here on earth a foretaste of the wedding feast of the Lamb.” – Catechism of the Catholic Church #1641-42
Christian Marriage is usually celebrated at St. Michael on Saturdays at 12:00 Noon or 2:30 PM or on Friday afternoon or early evening. Due to the busy Sunday Mass schedule, no weddings are celebrated on Sundays at St. Michael.
Please contact Carol McCasland in the Worship Office at 708-349-0903 ext 610 or cmccasland@saintmike.com for more information.
Wedding Guidelines and Forms
St. Michael Wedding Guideline Booklet (Pandemic Revision – PDF)
St. Michael Wedding Liturgy Planning Worksheet (PDF)
Marriage Preparation

For further information, see the St. Michael Wedding Guideline booklet, which can be downloaded above. Statistics show that those who engage in serious pre-marital preparation are more likely to enter into lasting marriages. The Church requires marriage preparation for all who are getting ready to marry in the Church. St. Michael parish offers engaged couples a three-part Marriage Preparation process, a FOCCUS review with a married couple, a 2.5 hour marriage preparation session and a wedding liturgy planning workshop.
Before coming to a Marriage Preparation session, couples take the FOCCUS premarital inventory online. This helps to lead the subsequent preparation discussion. FOCCUS results are interpreted with a parish FOCCUS coach, one-on-one, at a session that is arranged individually with your assigned coach.
After completing the FOCCUS and review, the couple may attend one of our Marriage Preparation group sessions offered at St. Michael or one of the marriage prep programs offered through the Archdiocese of Chicago.
Marriage Preparation is currently being done online. Please contact Carol McCasland in the Worship Office at 708-349-0903 ex 610 or cmccasland@saintmike.com for more information.
Wedding liturgy/music planning workshops have been temporarily suspended. The Wedding Planning Worksheet mailed to couples and given to couples at their first meeting with the priest, may also be downloaded above and used in conjunction with the “United in Christ” book to begin the wedding liturgy planning process. This sheet must be returned to the parish office one month before your wedding.
Please contact Carol McCasland in the Worship Office at 708-349-0903 ext 610 or cmccasland@saintmike.com for questions regarding marriage preparation and wedding liturgy planning.
Couples may also attend one of the marriage preparation programs offered through the Archdiocese of Chicago (CLICK HERE). Programs offered are a one-day Pre-Cana Workshop, a two-day One in Christ Seminar, or an on-demand, online Marriage Prep program that can be taken by couples unable to attend classes together due to being separated by distance. In-person marriage preparation is preferable.
The Archdiocese of Chicago also offers Natural Family Planning workshops and an online NFP course. (NFP methods are completely safe and natural and do not involve the use of any medications, drugs or devices.)
Marriage Preparation Facilitators
We always welcome happily married couples who wish to serve as a part of this ministry. As a Facilitator Couple you’ll get the opportunity to mentor young couples while bringing yourselves closer in your own relationship.
If you would like to join this marriage preparation ministry, contact Carol McCasland in the Worship Office, at 708-349-0903 ext 610 or cmccasland@saintmike.com.
Wedding Rehearsal Facilitators
Women or men who are organized, like people and love weddings train to conduct our wedding rehearsals. Rehearsals usually take place at 6:00 PM on Friday evenings or at 5:00 PM on Thursday afternoons. Facilitators are also encouraged to attend the wedding to assist the couple and their family and friends and ensure that the wedding goes smoothly.
If you would like to join this joyful ministry, contact Mary Beth Mallet at malletmb@gmail.com.
Celebration of Wedding Anniversaries
If you are celebrating a milestone in your marriage and wish to renew your vows or receive a blessing, please contact Carol McCasland in the Worship Office for more information at 708-349-0903 ext 610 or cmccasland@saintmike.com.