St. Michael Parish is continuing to pray for your needs – We invite you to contact the parish office with your prayer requests for the sick or recently deceased. For a sick person’s name to be put on our online or bulletin list, and in compliance with privacy laws, you must have the sick person’s or their family’s permission to be put on the list. Please let us know that you have their permission.
You may call the parish office and leave a message – Names are kept on the sick list for five weeks. Those who have died recently are listed in the bulletin for one week and on the website for two weeks. If you need a Mass card and / or someone prayed for or remembered at a specific Mass, please call the office at 708-349-0903 with the request and to make arrangements for your donation and a Mass card if needed.
Please Pray for This Week and Month Intentions…
Names that would have been read at Masses on March 22-23
- Violet
- Irma Almanza
- Marie Andrews
- Barbara Armijo
- Jennifer Bailey
- John Baker
- Dorothy Basta
- John Basta
- Bernie Bittner
- Kevin Bushnell
- Vince Candelero
- Patricia Chuchla
- Aileen Collura
- Olivia Daly
- Mary DiFilippo
- Gloria Gorski
- Carole Holding
- Lisa Johnston
- Joan Kaminski
- Rose Kessen
- Darryl Klock
- Celeste Koszut
- Joan Krasneck
- Sylvia Krepton
- Roger Krzyzowski
- Robert Levinthal
- Mark Lunn
- Fr. Robert Mair
- Tom Mallon
- Bill Marich
- Lizette Masters
- Rich McCasland
- Donna Micun
- Art Morgan
- Audrey Niec
- Mary Anne Nievera
- Bill Norwell
- Alice Prendergast
- Debbie Rogers
- AJ Rother
- Maria Rzonca
- Kevin Scanlan
- Cara Scanlon
- William Schmid
- Louise Sullivan
- Nicole Torgerson
- Jennie Vaccarello
- Naty Velada
- Mary Pat Walsh
- Aleksandra Waresiak
- Donna Wilczek
- Lawrence Wojcik
- Tom Wojcik
- Chester T. Kijewski, husband of Susan
- Albert Veith, brother of Hank Veith and Kathy Pikel
- Kathleen Campbell, sister of Ed Puriski
- For all the Children of the World, for all the unborn Children of the World, and for all the Souls of Purgatory.
Saturday, March 22 – Morning
- 8:30 AM
Araceli Buendia
Saturday, March 22 – Evening and Sunday, March 23
- 4:30 PM
Edgar Hield
Eileen Cocco
Lucia Gianoli
Mary Rizzo
Theodore Kucharski - 7:30 AM
John Radecky, Sr.
Gerald Refermat
JoAnn Laskowski - 9:30 AM
Therese Baker
Theresa and Bob Chubb
Frank De La Font
Colleen Ryan
Bernie and Ginger Bittner – 50th Wedding Anniversary - 11:30 AM
Anthony Marino
Susan Formosa
Giuseppina Minnicino - 1:30 PM – SPANISH
Jose Antonio Chavez Frausto
Maria DeJesus Cervantes
Monday, March 24
- 6:30 AM
Fr. Paul Burak - 8 AM
People of St. Michael Parish
Tuesday, March 25
- 6:30 AM
Special Intention for Nicole Togerson
Special Intention for Donna Killen
Special Intention for Cathy Morrissey - 8 AM
Robert Trepanier
Wednesday, March 26
- 6:30 AM
John Radecky, Sr. - 8 AM
Fr. Leo Lyons
Thursday, March 27
- 6:30 AM
Deacon Jim Janicek - 8 AM
Fr. Paul Burak
Friday, March 28
- 6:30 AM
Fr. Bill Finnegan - 8 AM
Mansour Tadros
Margaret Polo
Saturday, March 29 – Morning
- 8:30 AM
Special Intention for Maria Obrochta
Saturday, March 29 – Evening and Sunday, March 30
- 4:30 PM
Siiby Pomme-Zham
Robert Miles
Mary Rizzo
Eileen Cocco
Thomas O’Donnell - 7:30 AM
Gerald Refermat
Tommie J. Olson
Daniel Laskowski - 9:30 AM
Michael Hanrahan
Helen Wojcik
Vargo Family
Fricano Family
Eileen Cocco - 11:30 AM
People of St. Michael Parish - 1:30 PM – SPANISH
Gente de la Parroquia de St. Michael