14327 Highland Ave.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 349-0903

St. Michael Mental Health Awareness Ministry

Prayer Gathering for January

Wednesday, January 22 at 7 PM in the Parish Chapel

About the St. Michael Mental Health Awareness Ministry (MHAM) – The St. Michael Mental Health Awareness Ministry is a new spiritual support group intended for family and / or friends of persons living with mental and addiction disease / afflictions. We are community of faith offering help and hope. We share our lived experiences and mental health resources we have utilized. We practice Holy Listening and do not try to “fix” anyone’s problems.

We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month at St. Michael Parish – If you or someone you love is struggling and/or living with mental health afflictions, members of our Mental Health Awareness Ministry are here to accompany you with compassion, prayer and holy listening. We gather in our parish chapel the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7 PM. We each light a candle and offer prayer intentions, praying through the intercession of St. Dymphna. We then listen to and reflect on scripture, followed by praying together the rosary, a Chaplet or Stations of the Cross with meditations for those with mental illness and their families.

All who come for our monthly St. Michael Mental Health Awareness ministry gathering pray for you and your loved ones in any struggles of which God knows. As ministry leader Bernadette Pappas reminds us at each gathering, through prayer we are connected – heart to heart and soul to soul – never alone on this journey. The light from the candles that are lit by those who attend our gatherings reminds us that Christ and the hope He gives is always with us, a never-ending light in the darkness.

For more information on our ministry, contact us at StMichaelMHAM@gmail.com.


Hello Everyone,

Kelly and I would again like to sincerely “thank you” for all who kept us in your prayers, donated food, attended and said “hello” and served at our parish’s May Hospitality after Masses. We could not have done this without all of you.

I am so personally encouraged and inspired with the turn out on Wednesday. The intention candles were twinkling brightly more than ever. Just imagine if we lit a candle for all we pray for that rest in our Ministry Prayer Journal. God only knows them and so many more souls in the world that our prayers help. The Holy Trinity (Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit) is so happy for our sincere prayers for our fellow brothers and sisters. Jesus loves when we quench His request on the cross, when He said ”I Thirst”, by serving one another with works of Mercy and praying The Holy Rosary asking for His Mother’s and St. Joseph’s intercession for each other and the whole world.

Sincere thanks and gratitude to Marianne Bithos, her daughter, Lisa Guardiola, and all the information from N.A.M.I. The NAMI HOTLINE IS 1-800-950-NAMI, and 988 can be texted for immediate help. You can also call 1-708-852-9126 for NAMI South Suburbs of Chicago office. Their email is namisouthsuburbsofchicago@gmail.com. Marianne would love to hear from you and help you.

Thank you also to Dan Goelz of Trinity Services in Orland Park, 14315 108th Ave, Orland Park, 60462. You can stop by that office location and also visit the Trinity Services LIVING ROOM. The LIVING ROOM is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, 24/7, with two convenient locations to serve you – 16514 South 106th Court, Orland Park, Illinois, 60467 (708) 981-3370, and 2000 Glenwood Avenue, Joliet, Illinois, 60435 – (779) 341-5090. More information is on their website of trinityservices.org.

A special THANKS to Maria Connolly who heads up St. Damien’s Mental Health Ministry for coming by and lending years of experience, personal and professional. Join her at St. Damien’s Parish in Oak Forest on the third Thursday of each month from 7:00 – 8:30pm in the St. Damian Pastroral Center. Her # is 708-284-6511.

So today I opened my lil “Mary. Day by Day” prayer book before Mass and behold was a beautiful God sign… May 24 – HOPE does not disappoint, because the charity of God is poured forth in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. – ROMANS 5;5

REFLECTION, The Holy Spirit is all the love of the Blessed Trinity, and Mary is all the love of Creation. In their union, heaven is united with earth, the whole of eternal Love with the whole of created love. It constitutes the zenith of love! – St. Maximillian Kolbe (one of my favorite Saints to learn from and imitate)

PRAYER, O Mary, you bring us the love of God through the Holy Spirit. Make me acutely aware of the Holy Spirit and grant me the grace to follow His promptings and grow in His love. AMEN


  • BREATH DEEPLY AND RECITE “JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU” feel the calm and peace that follows this simple prayer

Our next PRAYER GATHERING is June 26 at 7pm in the Chapel.

Jesus said, “Peace be with you” “Trust Me” “Be not afraid, I go before you always”. May The Holy Spirit fill your heart and soul with Peace and Joy! Offer up all suffering and joy for The Holy Poor Souls of Purgatory. AMEN.

Almost forgot to Thank and offer Gratitude to all who served and gave so much for this great country we live in. IN GOD WE TRUST, have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend

St. Dymphna, pray for us!

Bernadette M. Pappas
St. Michael Mental Health Awareness Ministry

If You or Someone You Know is In Crisis, call the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 for immediate help.

Let us pray“St. Dymphna, we ask you to intercede for us with God, that we may be given peace and strength of mind, body and spirit. Pray that we may experience the love and support of the faith community we are part of. Pray that governments around the world will recognize the need for better mental health services in their local communities. Amen.”Deacon Tom Lambert, Chicago Archdiocese Commission on Mental Illness, www.catholicmhm.org/chicago.

The Association of Catholic Health Ministers and St. Michael Parish Mental Health Awareness Ministry invite everyone to pray a novena for people with mental illnesses and their families, using the novena developed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). According to the USCCB, the Novena reflects on a theme related to mental health or a particular population significantly affected by mental health challenges. It offers nine initial entry points for people to prayerfully approach the topic of mental health, using a “Pray, Learn, Act” structure.

This Novena can be found on the Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers website at www.catholicmhm.org/chicago under Resources / Prayer Resources. Copies can also be found on the kiosk in the St. Michael Narthex.

Lord, we pray for those who have mental illness

Christ took all human suffering on himself, even mental illness. Whoever suffers from mental illness “always bears God’s image and likeness in themselves.” – Pope Saint John Paul II

Comfort those who live with mental illness and support those who, like the Good Samaritan, soothe their spiritual wounds Pope Benedict XVI

Let us pray for them and their families, so that they are never left alone, or discriminated against, but instead are welcomed and supported. Along with indispensable psychological counseling, Jesus’ words also help. We bring to mind and heart: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” May people who suffer from mental illness find support and a light that opens them up to life. Amen – Pope Francis

St. Damian Mental Health Support Group

Do you love someone with a mental health concern?
Are you looking for support?

Join the Mental Health Support Group at St. DamiAn

The Third Thursday of each month from 7 to 8:30 pm
At the St. Damian Pastoral Center

CLICK HERE for More Information

You are not alone!

“God loves me. I’m not here just to fill a place, just to be a number. He has chosen me for a PURPOSE. I know it.”

The Essential Teachings of St. Mother Teresa. Pray for us and the whole world.

St. Dymphna, pray for us.
♥️♥️♥️ J. M. J.