NON-PARISH ASSISTANCE AND SUPPORT GROUPS – If you have difficulty contacting any of these places, please call a member of St. Michael Pastoral Staff who would be happy to talk with you confidentially!
Support Opportunities for the Aging Community and Caregivers to Connect
For Help with Problems arising from Physical or Sexual Abuse or Neglect

Do you know a child who has experienced physical or sexual abuse or neglect? Are you an adult who as a child experienced physical or sexual abuse or neglect? As a result, are you struggling to find ways to cope? – We can help! ALL ARE WELCOME – We’re Here to Inspire Hope!
The ICJIA Inspiring Hope Program through Catholic Charities offers FREE counseling services and case management services to children and adults. The Inspiring Hope Program is centrally located at the Tolton Peace Center with availability to meet throughout Chicago and Cook County.
FOR MORE INFORMATION – Call (773) 922-7219 – English and en Español
Inspiring Hope Program – Tolton Peace Center – 5645 W. Lake St. in Chicago, IL 60644
Unexpected Pregnancy – Aid for Women
- Pregnant? You have options. Aid for Women can help! All services are offered at NO CHARGE: Pregnancy Tests, Ultrasound Exams, Confidential Counseling, Client Support Programs, Residential Programs, and Medical and Community Referrals.
- 24 Hour Helpline at 312-621-1100 or Text at 312-880-9840
- Email at
- Website for more information –
For Help with Problems arising from Alcohol
- Alcoholics Anonymous at 708-389-1380 / Alcohólicos Anónimos at 773-847-4843
- Go to for meeting locations – See this website for information on remote/internet meetings.
- AA Meetings at St. Julie Billiart Church are on Mondays at 7 PM and Saturdays at 7:30 PM – Meetings are held in the Devine Center which is behind the church. St. Julie is located at 7399 W. 159th St. in Tinley Park.
- AA Meetings at St. Michael Church on Thursday evenings at 6 PM in the Ministry Room West.
Cancer Support Group
- St. Damian Parish holds a Healing Prayer Service at 7 PM in the Church on the first Wednesday of each month. Their Cancer Support Group meets following the prayer service in the Church Narthex at 8 PM. For those of you who are struggling with this disease… for those of you who are living with or related to someone who has this disease… there is always hope… no one need to walk this journey alone… friends and Jesus will walk with you. For more information, please contact Joy DeMarco at 708-687-4762.
For Help with Problems arising from Drug Abuse
- Narcotics Anonymous at 708-848-4884 /Divorcios Y Mas Allá at 708-668-5623 – CTC – Irma Almanza
Gambling Problems Gamblers Anonymous
- 1-888-GA-HELPS –
Struggling with Mental Health Issues
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) / Information Helpline at 1-800-950-6264 / Emotions Anonymous at 708-383-0200
- Mental Health Awareness Support Group at St. Damian Parish – Meetings are held the third Thursday of every month from 7 to 8:30 PM in the St. Damian Pastoral Center located at 5250 W. 155th Street in Oak Forest, IL. For more information call the Pastoral Center at 708-687-1370, Tony Mazurowski at 708-951-3232 or Maria Connolly at 708-284-6511 – CLICK HERE for a very helpful online presentation on Managing stress During Covid-19.
Orland Park Substance Abuse Forum
- – 708-403-6399
Masses for the Deaf
- Our Lady of the Woods Church on Saturday at 5 PM
- St. Julie Billiart Church on Sunday at 4 PM – Twice a month in the Sacred Heart Chapel –SUSPENDED DUE TO THE PANDEMIC!
HOPE Employment Ministry
- Arnie Skibinski at
- Fred Zeilner at 708-259-1162 or
- CLICK HERE for more information.
Grief Support
- If you are struggling with grief during this unusual time when the life of your loved one cannot be remembered and celebrated in the usual way, leave a message at our Parish Office at 708-349-0903. We will contact you.
A Communion Visitor to the Homebound / Sick
- During this time when the sick and vulnerable must be protected, some restrictions are in place for pastoral care to the sick and dying. Please leave a message for Fr. Frank at 708-349-0903 at the parish office.
Annulment Information
- Donna McDonough at 708-349-0903
Guidance in satisfying excessive and / or past due Utility Bills and Emergency Food Assistance
- During this time of shelter-in-place and loss of work, our St. Vincent de Paul society can still help. Leave a message at the following number and someone will contact you.
- St. Vincent de Paul Society at 708-873-4669
- San Vicente de Paúl en Español at 708-349-0903
Marital Difficulties – Marriage Program for Struggling Couples
- Retrouvaille at 1-800-470-2230 or 1-815-351-6968 / Catholic based support for Couples in Marital Difficulties –
- Retrouvaille is a lifeline of hope and healing for struggling marriages. It is a three-phase program that begins with a weekend experience, followed by post-weekend presentations, and monthly small group support meetings. The non-profit program is available in our community and has different upcoming weekends.
- The Retrouvaille Program helps husbands and wives put the pieces of their marriage back together and rebuild loving relationships. Many couples may be separated or divorced and simply want to try again.
- Retrouvaille, pronounced (Retro-vi), is a French word meaning “rediscovery”.
- It is a Christian program, Catholic in origin, and couples of all faiths or no faith background are encouraged to attend.
- It is primarily a practical program about improving communication, building a stronger marriage, and helping couples rediscover the love they had for each other.
- Retrouvaille presenters are not trained counselors, but couples that share their personal stories of their marital struggles and the tools they utilized to rediscover their love for each other.
Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities (Our Lady of the Woods & St. Stephen)
- Michele Nowak at 708-586-1365 or 312-655-7725 / Specialty Family and Grief Counseling
Spiritual Direction – Where is God in My Life and in These Times?
- Spiritual direction has had a long and esteemed history within Christianity. It is a dialogue through which we discover and discuss, with a trained spiritual director, the action of God’s Spirit in our life. The director is only a facilitator in the process, or as Thomas Merton aptly says, “The director is merely ‘God’s usher,’ confirming and validating where God is calling me.” Spiritual direction helps people to renew their faith. With the help of the Holy Spirit, the director prayerfully listens as a person shares the joys and struggles of his or her faith life. Through shared dialogue, they discuss the action of God’s spirit working in their life. In the process individuals can heal, build and strengthen their relationship with Jesus, and this can be life changing. Mayslake Ministries has thirty-five certified spiritual directors on staff, each skilled in a wide variety of areas.
- Contact Dr. Mary Amore at 630-852-9000 –
- During Shelter-in-place, Spiritual Direction is now being done via phone or internet.
Dealing with Physical, Emotional and Verbal abuse
- The Crisis Center at 708-429-7233 for Group Support and/or Free One-On-One Counseling – Se Habla Español
- Dr. Eileen Fera at / Catholic Psychologist in Downers Grove
- Jerry T. Souta at 708-681-2325 ext 5333 – / Licensed Behavioral Clinician
- Fr. Bob Rohrich at 630-257-9235 / MA Clinical Counseling in Lemont
- Fr. Kurt Boras at 773-405-9368 / Clinical Counseling out of the Palos Area
- Dr. Jeff Dire at 630-674-4295 / Psychologist in Downers Grove
- Dr. Larry Gorski at 815-730-3744 / Psychologist in Lemont – Archdiocese of Chicago Priest
- Sr. Jude More, LCSW, DCSW, R.N. at 708-974-3336 ext 333
- Dr. Paula Jarvis at 630-582-9000 / Family & Women’s Issues in Downers Grove
- Dr. Greg Rodriquez at 708-845-5500 ext 149 / Chicagoland Christian Counseling