Our Christian life is an ongoing journey. On this journey we often wander off course. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation we celebrate God’s mercy and God’s willingness to forgive us for our sins and failure to live as children of God. The Sacrament of Reconciliation recognizes our honest acknowledgement of our need for God’s mercy and our desire for ongoing conversion.
First Reconciliation (First Confession) for Children in 2nd Grade
Children prepare to receive this sacrament during a 2 year period, usually in first and second grades, through their St. Michael School Religion Class or Parish Religious Education Class. Parents play a key role in preparing their child for the sacraments. The Catholic Church teaches that parents are the first and primary educators of their child in matters of faith. In the every-day life of the child’s family, he/she learns what is right and wrong, acquires attitudes of forgiveness, and experiences the Heavenly Father’s love and forgiveness as she/he witnesses the love and forgiveness of their parents and family. Parent participation and involvement in sacrament preparation is essential for our children to understand this sacrament.
There is a team, led by Jesus, who works together with our children. It is comprised of their parents St. Michael School Teachers, Religious Education Catechists and Parish Staff.
- Parents attend a “parents only” meeting in October.
- Parents and child together attend a First Reconciliation Preparation Session in January.
- The sacrament of First Reconciliation is celebrated in February.
As we are one parish, children from the school and religious education program receive their sacraments together in our church.
For more information on the Sacrament of First Reconciliation, please contact Kelly Martinez, the Parish Coordinator of Religious Education, at 708-349-0903 ext 633 or via email at kmartinez@saintmike.com.
Preparation is also available for those who primarily speak Spanish or who do not speak English. Please contact Patty Renteria in our Parish Office at 708-349-0903 ext 619 or via email at prenteria@saintmike.com.
First Reconciliation (First Confession) and First Eucharist for Children in Grades 3 to 7
Children in grades 3 through 7 who have not yet received the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, attend their Religious Education class or School Religion class, and a supplemental Bridges to Faith Class. The Bridges Class is held once a month on a Sunday morning from October through April. It prepares the 3rd through 7th grade child and their parents for First Reconciliation which will be celebrated in February and First Eucharist which will be celebrated in May.
Parents play a key role in preparing their child for the sacraments. The Catholic Church teaches that parents are the first and primary educators of their child in matters of faith. In the every-day life of the child’s family, he/she learns what is right and wrong, acquires attitudes of forgiveness, and experiences the Heavenly Father’s love and forgiveness as she/he witnesses the love and forgiveness of their parents and family. Parent participation and involvement in sacrament preparation is essential for our children to understand this sacrament.
There is a team, led by Jesus, who works together with our children. It is comprised of their parents St. Michael School Teachers, Religious Education Catechists and Parish Staff.
- Parents and child attend a Bridges Class once a month in addition to the child’s regular School religion class or Religious Class.
- Parents attend a “parents only” meeting in October.
- Parents and child together attend a First Reconciliation Preparation Session in January.
- The sacrament of First Reconciliation is celebrated in February.
- Parents and child together attend a First Eucharist Retreat on a Saturday afternoon in March to help them understand more fully that they are receiving the Real Presence of Jesus in Communion. This retreat concludes with a special Mass and blessing.
- Parents and child together attend a First Eucharist rehearsal the week of the celebration.
- The Sacrament of First Eucharist is celebrated the First Saturday in May.
As we are one parish, children from the Bridges Class and the 2nd graders from our school and religious education programs receive their sacraments together in our church.
For more information on the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, please contact Kelly Martinez, the Coordinator of Religious Education, at 708-349-0903 ext 633 or via email at kmartinez@saintmike.com.
Preparation is also available for those who primarily speak Spanish or who do not speak English. Please contact Patty Renteria in our Parish Office at 708-349-0903 ext 619 or via email at prenteria@saintmike.com.
Reconciliation (Confession) for Children after receiving First Reconciliation
Our School and Religious Education children go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation at communal services twice during each catechetical/school year (in Advent and Lent). As Catholics it is desirable to go regularly before the Lord to seek his forgiveness and absolution for our sins and failings. In between these communal services, children can go to confession on any Saturday afternoon.
Individual Reconciliation (Confession)
All parishioners may come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation in English every Saturday afternoon from 3:00 to 4:00 PM in the Church / Reconciliation Rooms. Individual Reconciliation is also available by making an appointment with a priest as needed.
ESPAÑOL – Las Confesiones en Español son el 2do y 4to Sábado de cada mes de 3 a 4 PM en la Iglesia.
Parish Communal Reconciliation Services
The Rite of Penance is celebrated communally in Advent and in Lent.
The assembly gathers for Scripture, Reflection, Examination of Conscience and Song, and then come forward individually to the priest to confess their sins.
For exact dates of these services, please check our bulletin and this website for updates as we approach those liturgical seasons.