14327 Highland Ave.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 349-0903

Request to Help from Our St. Vincent de Paul Society

The St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVdP) of St. Michael has been asked by District 10 of St. Vincent to organize a parish-wide collection of specific toiletry items for the BEDS+ facility on Cicero Ave. in Chicago (formerly the Aloha Motel).

BEDS+ provides for vulnerable individuals who need help to stabilize their lives through housing and support services and they are in need of the following FULL-SIZE TOILETRIES: Shampoo, Shaving cream, Toothpaste, Deodorant, and Bath Soap.

Please place your donations in the marked box outside the SVdP Pantry located in the Narthex.

We are ever grateful for the generosity of our St. Michael Parish. Thank you.

SVdP and the St. Michael Conference

About St. Vincent de Paul Society

Care for the Vulnerable and COVID-19 – Reflection – Education for Justice (PDF)

It is our mission to help all those in need who are registered parishioners as well as all in need within our Orland Park community regardless of religious preference.

  • We help provide food and shelter.
  • We work closely with St. Michael Service Ministry, St. Michael Youth, and Knights of Columbus.
  • We cooperate with community agencies (Orland Township, Catholic Charities, Police Department, Fire Department, and Lions) to give added support to our friends in need.
  • We are fortunate to have a food pantry next to the Narthex. Our parishioners, school children and Religious Education students are most generous in organizing food drives.
  • We provide and serve dinners to the homeless.
  • During holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter) we deliver special holiday food baskets.
  • Our parishioners are most generous with their monetary donations. We rely on these donations and serve approximately 40 families on an ongoing basis.
  • We have 2 donation boxes located in the Narthex and 1 at the north entrance door.
  • We have St. Vincent de Paul trucks in the parking lot Spring and Fall to collect clothing and small household items. These items then go to our store at 7010 W. 159th St., Orland Park. We can provide vouchers for store items, or merchandise can be purchased at a reasonable price. Donations are always welcomed and can be dropped off in the back of the store.
  • We participate in Disaster Relief in association with the St. Vincent de Paul Society world wide.

We have a phone line answered each day. If in need, please call at 708-349-0903 ext 669 and ask to leave a message for St. Vincent de Paul Society.

For Spanish speaking, the number is 708-349-0903 ext 506 – Contact Angeles Samano and Maria Cuellar.

Consider Our Plea – We Need Your Help!

The St. Michael Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society has been continually blessed by your financial support over the years. Through your monetary gifts, food pantry and bundle weekend donations, we have been able to provide food, mortgage help, rent, utilities, health needs assistance, and address other concerns of the friends we visit. Follow-up visits, spiritual and moral support are always extended to those in need who call upon us for help. While our SVdP members are willing to rise up to every challenge, we are often limited in what we can offer.

At this time we are asking for another level of support from you, our St. Michael Parish community. So many of the friends we visit have long standing financial issues, budgeting needs, health concerns, and personal issues which need legal advice. Our hope is to find professionals who would be willing help us help others on a pro-bono basis. Many of our parishioners have knowledge and skills far beyond our abilities (e.g. Legal, accounting, health care, psychologists, mechanics, carpenters, plumbers, electricians).

Would you be willing to come forward to help us in our mission of serving others as Jesus did? – If you would like to discuss this request with any of our members, please call our dedicated SVdP parish phone line at 708-349-0903 ext 669 and leave a message. One of our St. Vincent de Paul members will contact you. We hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you in making this important decision.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration of our plea. All of our St. Michael Parish family continues to be in our prayers.

God Bless You!

At the SVDP Facility in Orland Park