14327 Highland Ave.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 349-0903

St. Michael offers opportunities to pray the Stations of the Cross communally on Fridays during Lent in English and Spanish, both in St. Michael Church.

A bi-lingual (English/Spanish) dramatic presentation of the Stations of the Cross was prayed on Good Friday at 11 AM. The bi-lingual Stations on Good Friday were a devotion and not part of the official Good Friday liturgy. The Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of Our Lord in Spanish followed the stations at 12 Noon. The Good Friday Liturgy was repeated at 3 PM and 7:30 PM in English.

Stations of the Cross may also be prayed at any time by reflecting on the images on the walls of our Church. You can download a booklet, view the videos and use the images below when praying the stations at home.

Stations of the Cross – Vía CrucisLent / Cuaresma 2025

Stations of the Cross will be prayed at St. Michael Parish during Lent at the following times:

  • In English – On Fridays at 4 PM in the Church
  • In Spanish – On Fridays at 6 PM in the Church – Stations in Spanish on April 4 will be in the Chapel – Vía Crucis – Estaciones de la Cruz – Los Viernes a las 6 PM en la Iglesia – Las estaciones en Español el 4 de Abril serán en la Capilla

Taizé Stations of the Cross

The Stations of the Cross are as follows

Stations of the Cross Prayer Booklet (PDF)

1 – Jesus is condemned to death
2 – Jesus takes up his cross
– Jesus falls the first time
4 – Jesus meets his mother
5 – Simon helps Jesus to carry his cross
– Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
7 – Jesus falls a second time
8 – Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
9 – Jesus falls a third time
10 – Jesus is stripped of his garments
11 – Jesus is crucified
12 – Jesus dies
13 – Jesus is removed from the cross
14 – Jesus is laid in the tomb