About Southwest Interfaith Team
The mission of SouthWest InterFaith Team (SWIFT) is to promote dialogue among the Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious communities and to work together on common community projects. The hope is that the efforts of SWIFT will promote mutual respect and will build understanding among these religious communities.

Membership of SWIFT is made up of Christian churches, Jewish synagogues and Muslim mosques. SWIFT is made up of groups centered around but not restricted to the South-West suburbs of Chicago, IL. SWIFT provides a forum for the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people in the area to educate, interact with and learn from each other.
It is not the goal of SWIFT to convert any group to the beliefs of another. Also, SWIFT does not take stands on political issues.

Members of SWIFT include St. Michael (Orland Park), St. Stephen (Tinley Park), St. Elizabeth Seton (Orland Hills) , St. Isaac Jogues (Flossmor), the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart (Frankfort), B’Nai Yehuda Beth Shalom (Homewood), Faith United Methodist Church (Orland Park), St. Paul Community Church-UCC (Homewood), Peace Memorial United Church of Christ (Palos Park), The Mosque Foundation (Bridgeview),the Prayer Center of Orland Park Mosque (Orland Park), The Mosque Cares (Hazel Crest), and the American Islamic Foundation (Frankfort).
The SWIFT Board meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM at St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr Parish.
For more information contact St. Michael’s representative, Michael Gaichas at mgaichas@msn.com.
- SWIFT Website – www.swiftinterfaith.org
- General Email – info@swiftinterfaith.org