14327 Highland Ave.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 349-0903

Events Related to Eucharistic Ministers

Initial Training for EOMs and Lectors – February 11-13

About Our Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EOM’s) recognize the Body of Christ in those to whom they offer Eucharist. They extend the consecrated Body and Blood of Christ to their fellow parishioners. EOM’s lead a Christian life and participate fully in the life of the parish and the wider community. Only fully initiated members of the faith community, in full Communion with the Church, can serve as Ministers of the Eucharist.

Eucharistic Ministers commit to a monthly schedule, serve for special holy days and holidays, prepare properly for service, and arrive on time, dressed appropriately, for their assigned Mass. A two-part training session is required. Ministers are mandated by the Archdiocese for service at St. Michael Parish for a period of 3 years. Mandates are renewable.

Policies and procedures for this ministry are outlined in the Extraordinary Minister of Communion Handbook.

Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist Handbook (PDF)

For more information, please contact Susan O’Connell in the Worship Office at 708-349-0903 ext 672 or soconnell@saintmike.com.

NOTE – Those who wish to bring Communion to the Sick at home, in a nursing home or in a hospital, must undergo a separate six-week training and are mandated specifically for this service. Contact the parish office at 708-349-0903 for more information on bringing Communion to the Sick.