14327 Highland Ave.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 349-0903

Outreach Events

Lenten Crosses

Each Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday (MARCH 5), the Social Concerns Ministry puts out paper crosses with labels in the Narthex requesting items needed by members of our sharing parish St. Basil – Visitation, St. Vincent de Paul, Aid for Women, and other local charities or gift cards to be used to purchase needed items. You may select a cross and purchase the items listed on it as an expression of your commitment to the practice of almsgiving. Crosses are available throughout the season of Lent. We ask that unwrapped items be returned to the Narthex with the cross attached before Palm Sunday (APRIL 13).

40 Days for Life

HELP SAVE LIVES IN FLOSSMOOR! – Here’s How to take part in 40 Days for Life in our community at the Vigil Location of Outside Flossmoor Planned Parenthood, 19831 Governors Hwy., on public property. Come by the Vigil Site any time or join St. Michael’s Pro-Life Ministry at Flossmoor Planned Parenthood on Wednesday, April 9.

St. Vincent de Paul Society Collecting Toiletry Items

The St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVdP) of St. Michael has been asked by District 10 of St. Vincent to organize a parish-wide collection of specific toiletry items for the BEDS+ facility on Cicero Ave. in Chicago (formerly the Aloha Motel). BEDS+ provides for vulnerable individuals who need help to stabilize their lives through housing and support services and they are in need of the following FULL-SIZE TOILETRIES: Shampoo, Shaving cream, Toothpaste, Deodorant, and Bath Soap. Please place your donations in the marked box outside the SVdP Pantry located in the Narthex.

Prayer Shawl Ministry – Hooks and Needles

Anyone with an interest in knitting or crochet – whether it be novice or advanced – is invited to join us! We share patterns, meet new people, laugh together! We usually meet twice a month during the day on Tuesdays, from August to June. We also meet in the evening once a month September-October-November, and March-April-May.

Mental Health Awareness Prayer Gathering

The St. Michael Mental Health Awareness Ministry is a new spiritual support group intended for family and / or friends of persons living with mental and addiction disease / afflictions. We are community of faith offering help and hope. We share our lived experiences and mental health resources we have utilized. We practice Holy Listening and do not try to “fix” anyone’s problems.

Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting

If you think you have a problem with alcohol and have a desire to stop drinking, come to a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous every Thursday at St. Michael Parish.

Help Needed for Food Delivery to Pro Labore Dei

Our parish has been blessed with the opportunity to support Pro Labore Dei’s mission to feed the hungry. Each day of the week, Trader Joe’s in Orland Park donates perishable food to many who are hungry. They have offered us “Saturdays” to help get that food to the hungry. Hence, we are asking for the help of two or three people / families, who have a pick-up truck or van or SUV, to help once every two or three months to pick up and deliver the food.

Bethlehem Nativity Products

Bethlehem Nativity Products will be visiting our parish on behalf of St. Catherine Catholic Parish in Bethlehem and the Christian families there. During our visit to your parish, we invite you to visit our table in the Narthex with beautiful olive wood religious items.