Lectors – Adults – High School and Up
According to the ancient tradition and the teaching of the Church, the readings at Mass other than the Gospel are proclaimed by ministers called Lectors. Lectors bring the living Word of God to the liturgical assembly. In and through them, God speaks to the gathered faithful. The ministry of the Word is treated reverently and with great dignity.
The Word of God is proclaimed during the liturgy. Effective proclamation presupposes faith and rouses faith in those who hear the Word proclaimed. It requires the delivery of the message with clarity, conviction and appropriate pace. It also requires serious study of God’s Word, proclamation skills, and practical preparation. Lectors must prepare properly for mass, arrive 15 minutes early and dress appropriately. Lectors are scheduled once a month.
Policies and procedures for this ministry are outlined in the Lector Guidelines.
For more information or to join this ministry, please contact our Lector Coordinator, Carol Gianoli at 708-349-4092.
Lectors for the Spanish Mass / Lectores para la Misa en Español

Interested persons may contact Martha Perez at 708-420-5261 or email her at marthap325@yahoo.com. For general information, contact Paty Renteria at prenteria@saintmike.com or call at 708-349-0903 ext 619.
ESPAÑOL – Las personas interesadas pueden contactar a Martha Perez al 708-420-5261 o enviarle un correo electrónico a marthap325@yahoo.com. Para información general, pueden contactar a Paty Renteria al correo electrónico prenteria@saintmike.com o llamarla al 708-349-0903 ext 619.
Lectors – Students – Grades 3-8
Our ministry of Student Lectors allows children (those who have received their First Eucharist through 8th graders) the opportunity to proclaim the Word of God. They serve at our weekly Young Peoples’ Liturgy of the Word, school and religious education liturgies and on other special occasions. Children interested in this ministry commit to one monthly rehearsal/training (from September through May) at which they receive training and practice their assignments.
CLICK HERE for Information about Next Student Lector Training
For more information, please contact Susan O’Connell at soconnell@saintmike.com or 708-349-0903 ext 672.