To honor the special people at St. Michael School, the School Advisory Board has one again organized the “SMS Staff Christmas Donation”. Please send your checks made out to “St. Michael School” in an envelope marked “SMS Christmas Donation” to the school office.
All are invited to participate in Simbang Gabi, a Filipino Catholic tradition of celebrating a novena of Advent Masses in preparation for the grace-filled celebration of Christmas and the coming of our Savior. See the schedule of the Southwest Simbang Gabi evening Masses!
Please help us build a bed for Jesus in the Narthex. Let Jesus know how you are preparing for his birth. Do you pray more or donate your time and talents? Please write your Advent plan on the paper strips provided in the Narthex so we can use them to help build a soft, cozy bed for Jesus.
Oplatki, the thin wafers with four beautiful Christmas images stamped into them, are available in the Parish Office for a free will donation. The Parish Office is open Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 3 PM. A Polish tradition, Oplatki is typically shared amongst families right before the Christmas Eve meal and shadows the Eucharistic meal that Catholics share at each Mass.
Pearls of Poland and Prague including visits to: Gdansk, Warsaw, Czestochowa, Krakow, Prague and more! – 12 Days on September 14-15, 2025 – Hosted by Fr. Frank Kurucz and Sister Sue Paweski.
We are now forming a Co-ed High School Volleyball Team. Freshman through seniors are invited to play January to March. We will be playing other parish teams in the area. Invite you friends to join with you. All skill levels welcome. Bring permission form to the first game. Games begin on Thursday, January 9 at home in the MPR.
The Adoration Chapel, located at the southwest end of the Narthex, is open for daily Eucharistic Adoration: Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 8:30 PM, Saturday from 7 AM to 5 PM and Sunday from 7 AM to 3 PM.
During a time of Pandemic, the Sunday English Masses are at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM – The Spanish Mass is at 1:30 PM (Misa en Español el Domingo a la 1:30 PM)
Every Sunday throughout the year (except Palm Sunday and Easter), children of the parish (for all Pre-K through 4th Graders) are invited to participate in the Young Peoples’ Liturgy of the Word at the 9:30 AM Mass.
Join in praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Rosary in Church: Monday through Friday after the 8 AM Morning Mass and Saturday after the 8:30 AM Morning Mass.