14327 Highland Ave.
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 349-0903

Ongoing and Upcoming Events (Page 3)

Confessions (English) – Saturdays

Confessions are heard regularly in English ONLY on Saturdays from 3 to 4 PM – Confessions in Spanish are not available at this time (Confesiones en Español no disponibles actualmente)

Young Peoples’ Liturgy of the Word

Every Sunday throughout the year (except Palm Sunday and Easter), children of the parish (for all Pre-K through 4th Graders) are invited to participate in the Young Peoples’ Liturgy of the Word at the 9:30 AM Mass.

Consecration to Jesus through Mary – Faith Formation

Join our Evangelization Ministry to study The Consecration to Jesus through Mary and dig deeper into the four Marian saints who are the focus of the Consecration to Jesus through Mary in the book by Fr. Michael Gaitley. We will learn more about St. Louis Marie de Montfort, St. Maximillian Kolbe, St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and St. John Paul II.

Eucharistic Holy Hour

Eucharistic Holy Hour led by Fr. Geofrey. We will sing, pray the rosary, and sit in silence before the Blessed Sacrament. The prayer time will conclude with Benediction.

Joyful Again! Retreat and Workshop

If you are widowed and still struggling with the loss or feel stuck in one spot, please consider attending the Joyful Again! Retreat and Workshop on April 5 and 6 at St. Mary’s Retreat House in Lemont, IL.

Lenten Reconciliation Services

Please make a note of the dates for our Lenten Reconciliation Services. They will be Monday, April 7 and Tuesday, April 8 at 6:15 PM in the Church.

Finding Hope in Your Life

Finding Hope in Your Life this Jubilee Year with Schoenstatt Ministries – As a lay apostolic movement of moral and religious renewal in the Catholic Church, Schoenstatt works to renew the Church and society in the spirit of the Gospel. It seeks to reconnect faith with daily life, especially through a deep love of Mary, the Mother of God. Come and see what the “Covenant of Love” is all about. Gatherings will take place one Monday evening a month – April 7, May 19 and June 9 – from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in the North Commons.

Apologetics Meeting

Come join us in learning more about our faith and why we, as Catholics, celebrate differently from other religious groups. We meet once a month every 2nd Monday of the month.